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Halifax Seed

Halifax Seed Bean Soybean Edamame Pkg.

Halifax Seed Bean Soybean Edamame Pkg.

Regular price $1.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $1.99 CAD
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Soybeans are nutritious and tasty. Edamame is a traditional bar or restaurant snack served in Japan or China. Flavour is sweet and delicious when steamed or boiled. Serve sprinkled with sea salt or sesame oil. Plants produce three crisp beans per 2 - 3" (5 - 8 cm) pod. Best grown in a warm micro-climate.

Most pods ripen at once. Clip plants near base when beans are plump in pods.

Height : 20 - 24" (50 x 61 cm)

Days to Maturity : 80 

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