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Scott's Nursery Ltd.

Maidenhair Fern Assorted 4" Pot

Maidenhair Fern Assorted 4" Pot

Regular price $7.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $7.99 CAD
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Adiantum pedatum is a lovely houseplant with delicate looking foliage on black, wiry stems. Maidenhair fern offers divided fronds with a pleasant arching habit. You'll love it!

Lighting: Grows best in medium to bright light, but shielded from direct sun, especially during the hottest part of the day. If ferns get too much light, the leaves can suffer from sunburn and have a bleached look. 

Watering: Water fern enough to keep the soil moist, but not wet or soggy. Like most houseplants, ferns will rot if they're kept too wet for too long but on the other hand, plants will wilt dramatically if they dry out too much.

Humidity: Keep ferns healthy and beautiful by providing them with average to above-average relative humidity levels. Their love of moist air makes ferns perfect houseplants for bright bathrooms or kitchens. If ferns don't get enough humidity, their fronds may turn brown and dry prematurely. Because they like humidity, most ferns are ideal plants for terrariums.

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